On September 28, 2018 a 7.5 magnitude earthquake was measured 77km (48mi) off the coast of the city of Palu. The earthquake was then followed by a localized tsuna- mi that caused the structures on the shoreline to be swept away entirely. Landslides finalized the level of destruction that befell this town with approximately 68,000 houses in need of repair or reconstruction af- fecting about 1.5 million people. It was the deadliest earthquake worldwide in 2018 with an estimated 4,400 people injured and about 2,200 dead.

The Palu Community Center was designed and built next to one of the refugee camps. Its unique triangular shape is inspired by the local traditional houses called Rumah Tambi. Plywood boards were pre-cut in the same Sulawe- si Island, then assembled with the locals and architec- ture students from Bandung Institute of Technology and Tadulako University.


こうした状況を受けて、避難キャンプのすぐ横にパル コミュニティセンターの建設が計画された。特徴的な三角の形は、この地の伝統的な住宅 Rumah Tambi に着想を得ている。合板は同じスラウェシ島で現地の職人によってプレカットされ、施工には地元の人々やバンドン工科大学、タデュラコ大学の建築学生らが参加した。


Design and Construction: Keio University SFC Hiroto Kobayashi Laboratory, IAI Palu
Structural Engineering: Akira Suzuki
Construction Support: Bandung Institute of Technology, Tadulako University and others